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Jegihorn Via Ferrata
After another multiday adventure Clare and Inthought it time to relax a little and do a half day. We have moved around to Saas Grund...
Sport climbing and thunderstorms
After a leisurely morning clare and I figured we should do something productive. We took a trip down from our campsite at the top of the...
The Galenstock
We found few descriptions of the route online or in guidebooks: so I have written one at the bottom of this page! Yesterday saw one of...
I'm On A Boat ...finally and not with T-Pain
It's not quite the Lonely Islands and it's not quite what we planned. Well it's not even the right boat. But Clare and I are inching our...
A Mountaineering C.V.
Background I have recently been looking at joining another mountaineering / climbing club so I can get out more and have more fun in the...
Juggling Work and Play - tips for an outdoor life
In between a job that works out around six working days a week and being in my bed there isn't much time to enjoy life. Much of that time...
The day I nearly died - Part 1: how it happened
With winter fast approaching I've been getting to thinking about the routes I want to climb and the hills I want to walk. Scotland, in parti
Scrambling tips: movement
. Training and preparation: not normally the most exciting subject, but could be a life saver and can be fun (honest). If you've not done...
Scrambling tips: Planning
Here are a few tips for planning your next scrambling trip: they're not exhaustive, but some of the things I like to consider! First you...
Jonathan Conville Alpine Course
This summer Clare and I thought we should both go out to the Alps. Because it was Clare's first trip to the we thought it was best to go...
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