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A rubbish winter made the best of

This winter has been a bit pants: the snow didn't come in the UK until late and when it did it never seemed to want to hang around long. Thankfully Scotland and The Lakes got into condition a few times. I'm a member of The Northumbrian Mountaineering Club and made it on trips to Laggan, Aviemore, Glen Coe, Ballachullish and The CIC hut on The Ben. Clare and I also got out on a road trip through Glen Coe up to The Ben and on to Skye.

I'll be writing up some of these trip in a bit more detail in coming posts.

Here's a few pictures in the mean time:

Helvellyn in the snow

Helvellyn in the snow

Aonach Eagach with Joe

Aonach Eagach with Joe

Curved Ridge

Curved Ridge

Dorsal Arete

Dorsal Arete

The CIC Hut

The CIC Hut

Jeff in Observatory Gully

Jeff in Observatory Gully

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