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Looking forwards to the Alps

This summer Clare and I are planning to travel to the Alps on two rather different trips. The first is to Chamonix and the second is a road trip living up the dirt bag life in the back of a van.

Looking at where to go

Chamonix seems a bit obvious, but it's a few years since my last visit and Clare's first visit. Clare has been keen to do the Jonathan Conville course based in Chamonix so we decided to take advantage of the three day course as it allows us a decent time after to play. The ease of travel in the valley and direct flights from Newcastle to Geneva make it a relaxed destination for us. We're planning to take climbing as well as mountaineering gear to do a mix of routes and peaks.

Last trip to Chamonix walking with the family

Our second trip is more flexible. Our plan is to pick up a van in Calais and travel through the Alps from East to West: starting near Geneva working our way to the Dolomites. We will be living out of the van for the most part but also staying in huts where needed. We are really excited for this trip because we have a lot of options to choose where to go so we can hopefully make the best of the weather and get in some great routes.

Clare eyeing up swiss routes to do

We'll keep the blog updated as we go with stories about where we get to what we do. It's also a great opportunity to check out some of the gear we love to and talk through what we think of it. And there's a lot to choose from...

Courtesy of Vlad: Preparing for the Dolomites last summer

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