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Busy Summer!!!

The Hubba getting a workout in The Lakes

Oh dear... It's been a while. This summer has been busy: The NHS is is in perpetual crisis and so work is getting heavier and heavier for us all. Fitting in trips away has been tough, but we've been managing to get out at least. Unfortunately my attention has been taken away from the blog a little and my camera? Well that's in a sulk somewhere because I've completely abandoned it.

Despite living at work and hearing on the news that the government thinks I'm a slacker (I'd like to see Mr Hunt on ITU at 3am) I have gotten out here and there. We've managed the odd bit of climbing, walking and also a pretty respectable 20 days in the Alps. I have been getting home to The Lakes a little too. I can't complain too much then!!

More to come on our Alpine adventures (this pic courtesy of a friend)

Anyhow I thought I'd catch up a little about some of the trips we've had over the next few days...

Clare on Troutdale Pinnacle this summer

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